Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Numbers...

9 people + 2 bathrooms = chaos in the morning

7 men + 2 women = a ratio that is worse than Virginia Tech's

9,10,11 people / 8 seats in our van = .7272727% of a seat reserved per person or 0.36363% of a seat per butt cheek

6 day work week - 1 day off = 5 days of work your body didn't get to recover from

1 Night off / 1 Night out = Every Sunday being a LAZY sunday...

114'ft boat / 9 workers = 12.666'ft we are each in charge of getting ready for our trip (sounds easy enough right?)

24 hours in a day - (10 hours at work + 8 hours sleeping) = 6 hours of each day to be used wisely.

Why do we do it, you ask? We can tell you when it's finished... Right now, it isn't so clear.

1 comment:

  1. The van is a freaking rollercoaster, gotta love it in the morning!
